Schoolhouse Apartments is located at 156 South Avenue in New Canaan, CT.

How To Apply

To apply for residency, please drop by Schoolhouse Apartments to pick up an application, or call us at (203) 972-0020 and we will mail one to you.

Schoolhouse Apartments is centrally located at 156 South Avenue in New Canaan, next door to the New Canaan Police and EMT headquarters, and within walking distance to churches, the New Canaan Library, and the downtown area.

Schoolhouse Apartments has been designated as a facility for disabled/elderly persons under HUD 202/Section 8. Occupancy in Section 202 housing is open to any very low income household comprised of at least one person who is at least 62 years old at the time of initial occupancy.

Please Note: Each applicant must submit financial background information which is interpreted using HUD guidelines to determine monthly rental costs.